Get involved!
FOG is looking for students with an interest in environmental policy, public policy, marketing, computer science, and much MORE. Students can get involved with FOG in two ways: an unpaid internship for credit, or a paid internship. Students from all majors are welcome! Roles include, but are not limited to: marketing, web development, app development, data analytics, research, and legislative advocacy. Experience is preferred, but NOT required.
Internship Application
Earn a minor in SCFS with us!
Sustainable Community Food Systems Minor (SCFS)
SCFS is a great opportunity to learn in depth about food systems and experience hands on learning. The minor consists of 3 parts:
(1) Required academic classes in a Spring semester
(2) An experiential learning summer living/working on the UConn farm
(3) More academic classes in the following Fall semester
A summer internship with FOG qualifies for the experiential learning summer. Living on the Spring Valley Student farm, your summer would consist of working on the farm as well as working with FOG. More information can be found: Here!